
ABC Primary School brick


ABC Primary School Brick Project:

Options  for bricks :

1. Single brick  :$69   per brick, up to 3 lines ,(max 16 letters per line including space.)

 If ordering a “Single Brick”—- Please complete the order form  below: Single Brick Line 1  to  3. (Please leave other lines blank if only one or two line)

2.Double Bricks with borders,  $130   per “Double Bricks”, up to 6 lines (Max 12 characters per line including Space)

If ordering  ” Double Bricks” —- Please complete the order form below  : Double brick Brick Line 1  to  6. (Please leave other lines blank if less than 6 lines)

Double bricks Line 1-3  will be on first brick , Double Brick Line 4-6  will be on second brick.

Please use CAPITAL LETTERS only,and  double check the Spelling.

SKU: N/A Category:

This is a sample webpage for our Brick Order System

The following info can be revised for different school/Organisation:


Your payment goes directly to ABC Primary School. you will receive a  order confirmation email with the bank details of the school .

Any queries ,please feel free to contact :     Email:                 Phone

Thanks for supporting ABC Primary School.


If you would like to add a free web page of your  project  on our website,

Please feel free to Contact Team of Stone Engraving  for more info.